Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Lance and I are going to be talking today about what it’s going to take to make our family whole again. There’s so much work to be done, yet, my heart is in it. My heart wasn’t ever NOT in it. As scared as I am to hope, Lance wants this family back, and will have to prove his commitment to me.


Kate said...

You are in my prayers, Becca.

Joni said...

You're an amazing woman Becca! I love and support you all the way!

Unknown said...

I hope the talk goes well. :) Keep your sisters bracelet on to know we're all thinking of you!

spudchic said...
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spudchic said...

I am sorry to hear about the devastating blow to your heart pretty lady, you don't deserve to hurt like this. Sounds like there is a chance to try to mend the pain and rebuild broken bridges and if there is a possibility of that then you should definitely go for it. You deserve happiness at any cost. Heartache like you have felt sours in the soul and makes lifes breaths harder to take. But if you can find a way to forgive your husband and move forward,maybe the saddness won't linger as long as it did in my life. Love you Girl!!

skipper said...

You're in my prayers, too. I want only the best for you!

matt&meg said...

DO NOT SETTLE pretty lady. Make sure... but good luck! IM still here if ya need anything :)