Sunday, August 1, 2010

Family Dinner!

This afternoon the fam gathered for Mom and Granny's birthday dinner. I'd been shopping for stinkin' fresh green beans to 3 different places, and finally picked some up today. I boiled them up with two ham hocks & salt -they were scrumpy!! I also made my first jello-pretzel salad (a LANCE job), which actually turned out very tasty, but wasn't really eaten... More for me! Here's me and Mia taken earlier in the day. :)
We all chilled outside after dinner -here's our gorgeous Lexie with Noah. ME!

Ella, not being so cute!
Sabrina was making a play for the camera -I'm a ninja picture snapper when it comes to that baby! I get some awesome shots! I seriously have to edit down. She's so stinkin' cute!
Ella -much sweeter!
Here's Nanny opening her gift from us (a new digital camera) -with all of her super helpful gift directors!
My beautiful sister Rachael!
Cute Mia -with Benny-babes in the back-ground.
Ella -I was surprised that she smiled here, because we were mid-drama!
Looking down at Sabrina. Man, I have some amazing girls.
It's been a fantastic day. I love spending time with my family. We tried to plan something out for later in the week for Sarah's birthday ('tis the season), but it's all up in the air. Guess I'll blog about it when it finally happens, eh???