Sunday, March 28, 2010

Le' NFEE/ (unofficial)SFEE!!!

Okay, since my last name isn't as secure as it used to be on this blog, and my "give a crap" is broken, it's the NOLAN FAMILY EASTER "EGG"STRAVAGANZA!!!

This weekend has been JAM-Packed with all kinds of sugary-excitement and festivities. Okay, so when I downloaded pix, I had 96 for the weekend alone. I will try to keep it to the minimum, and not blog-shop my family and steal theirs! :D

Following is the (unofficial)SFEE for my in-laws. Mo' Easter Madness.

This picture SCREAMS Easter to me!!! It's the duckie that Granny painted, who comes out EVERY year to the delight of me and my siblings... How cute is that?! It's pretty much the beginning and end for the Easter-ness for my generation, but we've expanded for youngster-enjoyment; see following.

Funny shot of me in Mom's mirror! :)
Cute Ella with sugar-faced joy.
This is the kiddo-luncheon that Rachael put together.
Complete with bunny-desserts!!!
Mia loved it.
...So much that she sat in the fruity-marshmallow salad. CLASSIC.
After lunch, the kids headed out doors for the hunt!
Mia found lots of eggs, and towed her sippy-cup in her bucket to boot! That girl is hydrated!
Left to Right: Phoebes, Noah, Tessa, Ella, Lily, Mia, Benny.
...And Sabrina slept. Her cheek was naturally that rosy. Sweet!
Me with Mia in the back.
Kids doing more crafties.
It was mayhem. There was a LOT planned, and a LOT of effort (from every adult involved!) that went into the occasion. I was pooped (you can see it on my forehead!) and took a royal load of crap for not being able to keep my eyes open in the late afternoon. We did have a lunch earlier for which I'd provided my yumo-breakfast casserole. We had dinner at my parent's house too. By then, Mia's napless day had taken its toll on every blessed soul in the house, and we left in as big of a flurry as we came in, minus one Mia-shoe.
Where was Lance, you ask? He'd taken off before 2pm for golf and was asleep (screening my calls). It was ruff ruff ruff!
The Sortors had a fabulous Sunday planned.
Here's Ella mid-sugar bite.
Chaedon decorated some fantastic-lookin' cookies.
Sabrina mowed on a plain sugar-cookie.
My messy Mia!
Candace looked graceful as she helped kiddos decorate cookies and eggs!
Left to right: Chaston, Chaedon, Candace, Aneesa.
Egg mess.