Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!

Since this entry is about ME ME ME (which one isn't?), I thought I'd mention the girls. The girls make me who I am... I do believe, however, that they got a few things from me:

Ella has my nerve. She's very argumentative and has a quick response for everything I say.

Mia has my sensitivity for others. We both love and hurt very deeply.
Sabrina has my smile. She is still developing a lot of her personality, but she knows how to keep on smiling. :)
This is my "token self shot" -only pic taken of me on my birthday.
Earlier I'd had the opportunity to go out with Candace. This pic was taken that night!
My birthday was actually an excellent day. I'd gone to Candace's for a few minutes and wound up cutting and styling her hair! I styled our friend (and Candace's neighbor) Aeriole's hair too. SO CUTE! We went to my in-laws home for dinner that evening for a magnificent seafood fest! YUMO!
Fabulous birthday. 33 feels OLD.