Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yes, that's a bit of a ghetto candel siz-nich-u-ation for my darling Lance's 33rd birthday, however, it does the job. Yes, that's my sad hand looking very un-girly. *Meant to do my nails. Probably time for fakies again. I can't seem to keep up.

REGARDLESS, Happy Birthday Lance! Don't you love how it all becomes about ME so quickly?! Hey, it's my blog!

We went to his parent's house last night and had a wonderful dinner (seafood cocktail, and home-cooked ribs -mmmmm). Here's Lance and me.

*I have NOT mastered the closed-mouth smile. These braces are freakin' killing me. I'm gonna look scary in pictures from now on, just as a warning.
Sabrina-babes is just the happiest ray of sunshine you'd ever meet. She's awesome at pictures!
For his birthday, Lance got some fun stuff -here he's holding a golfing punch card from his parents! 20 rounds of golf for the lucky birthday boy.
Lance and Bri.
Mia, mid-chocolate-cake-ecstasy.
It's a funny story... This pic was taken too late, but apparently just before that, she'd set her fork down gently, taken a deep breath, and leaned back with her eyes closed -a VERY smug and satisfied smile on her face. It was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen (I just caught the smile, not the whole production). She's SUCH a character!
BTW- that shirt is sitting in a bowl of hot water/ OxiClean as I type.
Here's our boy Chaedon. His teeth are already looking SO good, I'm impressed with good ole Dr. H!!! Chaedon has been an absolute doll to have this weekend. Ella was too busy sliding on the floor and playing with Tootsie (the dog), and be-boppin' all over Grandma and Papa's that there are no pix of her to post!
I am the self-proclaimed cookie-whisperer, and as such, Lance requested a batch to take into work to share for his (and a boss-chick's) birthdays. Issue: THOUGHT I bought 2 bags of butterscotch chippies, but the 2nd was in the wrong place, so I have a random bag of peanutbutter/milk chocolate chippies. USELESS!!! Didn't make 2 batches, so no cookies left around here, man. They all went to work. Hopefully Lance comes back with many more satisfactory compliments for my ego.
Sometimes when I write, it comes out the same way I speak. It's not the easiest thing to read, but hopefully you get the gist of how truly sarcastic I really am. My ego actually isn't out of check, I just dive into my alter-realtity from time to time and pretend I'm an amazingly confident cookie-maker (among other things!). Above, dough.
Peek into the tupperware o' looooove.
For Lance-
Happy Birthday hunny. Sorry I didn't even shower today, but the bummin' was nice! Hope you liked your fluffy waffles this morning and cookies tonight. 33 and goin' strong!
Love you.