Friday, June 6, 2008

Aneesa's Birthday

The first time I saw Aneesa she was crawling on the floor with a broken arm in a little cast. She has always had the same gorgeous eyes with the Sortor lashes that go on for miles. Aneesa is my niece -she's Lance's sister Candace's daughter. She is 2 years older than Ella -and the two are good friends. We went to Candace & Scotty's last night for the festivities. See the chalk drawings on the ground? Our gift to her. Heh heh. Lance picked it out, so I can't really be blamed. Moms tend to cringe as someone gives their kid something they'll end up cleaning up. It would be better to not bring one at all, sometimes... :)

These are the kids that were at the party. From left to right, we have Phoebe -some random neighborhood kid with her jammies on (???), My Ella, Chazzy Bear (Chaston), Aneesa, and 2 of Melanie's girls (don't know their names per child- sorry!). All together, Candace threw a great shin-dig, and even took Ella with them go to bowling afterward while I got to go home and put Mia to bed. Yes, I guess I got a little Super Mario Cart in while all by myself -and I won't make any apologies!!! I love my little world.