Sunday, December 6, 2009

Festival Of Trees 2009!

It's that season!

WARNING!!! MANY MANY MANY PICTURES! So, here we go! The day began around 11:30ish as we headed out of town. Here's the token self-shot... You can see me holding the camera in my glasses! PS- THANK YOU Lance for the awesome new sunglasses that morning. :) That was a fun surprise!
Mom was the driver (YAY!).
She chewed ice the whole way. :) Here's Mia, looking very anticipatory... Little did she know she'd be awake that day for the longest she'd ever been in her life!
Here's me and the girlz at the festival.
We met up with my friend Teri and her family -it used to be a tradition to always go to this together... We haven't been able to do it in a long time, so it was awesome to meet her this year! Left to right: Spencer, Chloe, Teri, Andraia, Earl, Brayden. ...I met Teri when Spencer (taller than her!) was less than a year old. How time flies!
YES, I had to make it a family affair too, since it was in SLC and I don't make it down there as often as I'd like... Here's Benny-babes.
I couldn't put pix in here of every tree I loved, but oh my goodness, I was just drawn to the jewel-toned trees like this one -with the incredible peacock feathers. If/when I start over with my tree, I can see myself going in this direction.
Here's another that I absolutely loved.
This was the ultimate girly tree.

Here's Lex with the signature peace-sign! Noah and Dave are turned in the center, and Sarah looks unprepared for fabulousness... :)
This was a cool ginger-bread house made like the one from Disney's "Up".
After the festival, we all met up at Rachael's for a potluck dinner! Here's Sabrina kickin' it with her bff Phoebes!
These two are 3 months apart -I hope they're close!
Here's one of my crafties!!! I made this "Jingle Bells" for Rachael's family for Christmas. I gave it to her at this time so she could enjoy it during the season.
Here are some of our little loves... Tessa-Roo!
Sarah and Ella. Precious.
Phoebes -after having had enough excitement for one day!
Lily bug!
Mom and Pop. It was an absolutely fabulous day. I love this season!