Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy B-Day, Tessa!

Happy FIRST birthday, Tessa-Roo!!! Look at this little love! Rach and Seuao make some pretty adorable babies.

Monday we went to SLC. The place was decked out in brown, pink, orange and green. Rachael had some fun games for the kids -with a "shoe" theme (those invited were asked to bring gently worn shoes to donate to "Soles for Souls" in Tessa's name. CUTE, huh?!) There was some fabulous bbq and lots of chatter and chillin'. It was SUCH a fun little party!
Here's the super-talented and beautiful mom herself, Rachael!
Here's my Ella-Boo during one of the games!
Me and Sawa-Bo-Nana. BRIGHT sun! :)
Here's Ella "helping" Mia!
The messy birthday girl at the end of the party. Good stuff!
*Rach, you did an amazing job. Love ya!