Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Bryant Family Reunion Part Deux

Went shopping yesterday. Here is my happy Mia amidst all of the stuff! We leave for California tomorrow!!!
Read all about the Bryant/ Yosemite lineage!


Oh man. I have had headaches all my life. At one point, we had some doctors put me on different diets to see if they were food-allergy related. No luck. Migraines are rampant in my family. Three for the six kids in my family got them –myself, and my two brothers John and David. Rachael, Mary, and Sarah seemed to bypass this little gem of a gene. Both of my parents get them too. I remember MANY times falling asleep on the bathroom floor by the toilet with a headache. One time, I had a headache at Disneyland, and threw-up on Main Street USA. :( They got progressively better as I became an adult, but during my pregnancy with Mia –and especially after her birth, they came back with a vengeance.
Now my beautiful Ella is getting them too. They haven’t made her throw-up yet, but bless her heart, they’re real. It makes me so sad to see her in pain. This headache of hers was over the weekend –and I did get her to swallow a Tylenol which fixed it after an hour of sleep.
We’re heading out on the trip tomorrow, let’s all hope for no headaches!
Who wants these dudes taking care of you when you feel like crap?