There was just SOOO much going on during the weekend, I can't keep all the pictures and events in order. We had some great family time! Lance is missing from all of these pictures -he worked the full weekend. :( Above, we have my darling Ella swinging at Merlin Olsen Park.
Mia made it to the park too. These darn shoes have been driving me NUTS! See the strap that's not connected? Yeah, I think they've seen their last day. Too bad such little of her wardrobe matches the pink shoes I bought her. ...I need to find my stinkin' box o' ex-Ella shoes... There's a project for next week!
THE FARMER'S MARKET!! Where the heck were YOU, Steph?? It was a smaller market on the 4th, and a MUCH bigger crowd. Go figure! We love going and supporting local business, though. I'm sure there will be many more farmer's market pictures from this summer. :)
We went to the Hyrum parade. How cute are Ella and Lily here? HOLY CANDY! If you're looking for a great place for the kiddos to collect some serious taffy, this is the parade to go to!
We got some swimming in! Mia is my little fish!
Fun times with me and Lex -and a corner of Noah. :)
Fun times with me and Lex -and a corner of Noah. :)
We have picked up a tradition of yard-sitting, where kiddos can run around, and we all get to chit-chat all we want! Here's Sarah-Butch. She's such a doll.
Time for sprinkler running too!
The 4th of July 'do! We battled the bow a little bit because I should have gotten it with a different kind of clip, but that's okay. I worked with a girl who's daughter owns the site: -which is AMAZING! I totally recommend it.
This is a shot of me at the parade. Holy CATS, did I get sunburned! It was over-cast, which is so sneaky! I was the only one who fried, but I should really expect that considering my ridiculously pale skin.
We went to the Boy-Scout breakfast on the morning of the 4th, where Nanny had a great time playing with grandkids. They're all over her.
We made it to the home-fireworks show... Lance's family did one that I didn't make it to the night of the 3rd. He got to hang out with his family for an hour or so that evening before he went to work. Ella spent the night there and got to see the USU show from my in-law's yard, then par-tay with Grandma, Grandpa, and Chazzy-bear... I think I have pictures of that tradition in my 4th o' July blog from last year. Ella had a great time.
On Sunday we went to Rachael's USU Alumni Band Concert at the Quad on campus. It was fabulous. We all hung out -it was cool and shady. The band played a lot of traditional marches, and my kiddos were actually very well behaved! Here's Rach during her shining moment... She plays the french horn. Aaah memories. I played the french horn in band through 11th grade. If I had any brainz in mi cabeza I would have kept it going and gotten a scholarship. Band ROCKS!
I took these shots of the girls at the concert. How cute is my Mia? She & Ella got Lance's lashes... GORGEOUS.
Here's Lala! This girl so stinkin' tan. I'm grateful that both girls seem to have Lance's skin (speaking of Lance's body parts). I just burn then freckel. ...Is that how you spell freckel?
Here's Granny (mom's mom)! This is where the fabulousness begins.
My adorable mom! I LOVE YOU!
I had two poignant moments that brought the traditional patriotic tears to my eyes. The first was at the Hyrum City parade -when first the military passed, then the American Flag. I can't help but get choked up with sincerest pride and gratitude for being an American citizen. How blessed am I? The second time was during Rachael's concert. They go through the different military songs and have those who served in each branch of the military stand during their song. It's so incredibly inspiring and humbling to see these people who have served our country in such a life-altering capacity.
"And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me, and I'll proudly stand up next to you and defend her still today. 'Cause there 'aint no doubt I love this land; God bless the USA."