This has been going around, and I thought I'd join in the fun. All my blog followers, you should do this too!
1. I have a weird thing about dirty feet. I think that it came after watching Ella run around the house bare-foot, and being disgusted at the end of the day with what was on the bottom of her feet... I think I prefer to live in denial about how dirty my floors are, and just wear socks everywhere so I don't have to feel it on my own feet. Yeah, I keep my toes decently manicured, but you won't find me barefoot in my house -or anywhere else for that matter. Sandals will work in the summer, but I just can't put bare feet on the ground. Okaaaay, I beat that horse.
2. I have a lil' crush on Glen Beck, who seems to know everything, but in a humble way. I haven't been able to listen to him in a LONG time because I live in Logan now, where you're at your destination in less than 5 minutes, and it's impossible to get into a radio program in such a short time. I also have a mini crush on Dan Evans from Fox 13 AM news. He's so geeky and cheap and innocent --something about him makes me want to ruffle his feathers a bit...
3. I would like to say that I'm organized, but these days, keeping up with my girls (and being DEAD tired with this pregnancy) just doesn't leave much creative room, like right now, what should I do with the diapers scattered on my kitchen floor? Eh, let's see if they pick themselves up....
4. I LOVE make-up. Most folks know this about me. I don't wear it for anyone else, I just feel better about myself when I have it on. I've worn dark eye make-up since 6th grade, and it really hasn't changed much.
5. It's a weird talent, but I choose to see it as such; I believe that I have a gift of making things more beautiful when I work on them. ...This mostly goes for home-decor (Mach can vouch, she'll ask my advice from time to time) and hair/make-up. I have done many a wedding/ dance hair and make-up session, and it's just fun for me. I enjoying helping people feel beautiful, and also creating beautiful spaces around me. A long time ago, Kate (good friend and blog-follower) let me help her decorate her front room... There's SO much more we could do now! Candice Olsen is my FAV designer and inspriation, the woman is a GENIUS.
6. I am no cook. I think I've confessed this before, but maaaan, I can't put stuff together. I mean, I can make a casserole and a few specialty dishes, sure, and I know a lot of basics (Paula Deen is m'girl!), but I have no real creativity in the area. I can BAKE a mean batch of cookies, though!
7. I have some of the most incredible friends. Some are almost life-ers and go back to elementary school -back in good ole' Panguitch. I have others who I met in school in Logan, some at work, and others through my family and friends of friends. When I make the investment in a friend and determine that they're a part of my life -for whatever reason, they're a part of my life. I don't lose or let go of friends, and yet, have a healthy respect for the place (time and season) that each friendship lies in my life.
*I have found that as I grow older, I have less patience for those who I don't feel are real friends to me. Does that sound stuck-up? Maybe it's a mark of aging, where you stop trying to make anyone like you, stop trying to please people, and only focus on those who enrich your life and who's life you can enrich as well.
8. I have a VERY dry sense of humor -much like my dad. I've always said that I'm pretty much my mom, only I chose the opposite road at the same age she chose to get married.... But what we find funny is very different. I LOVE humor -for example: if you've ever seen "Yours Mine, and Ours" (the OLD version), when Lucy takes the drink that the kids make for her and makes the face... I NEARLY FALL OFF MY CHAIR EVERY TIME WITH HYSTERICS!
9. I am a SAP for a good romantic comedy. I have probably seen "Never Been Kissed" 50 times. 10. I have a HIGH sensitivity for prejudice and racism. My ex-husband was Jewish, and I think that one of the most profoundly life-changing books I've ever read was "QB VII". You'll never hear me use the word "retard", the n-word, or the f-word (referring to homosexuals) -as the two latter are (to me) some of the ugliest words in the English Language.2. I have a lil' crush on Glen Beck, who seems to know everything, but in a humble way. I haven't been able to listen to him in a LONG time because I live in Logan now, where you're at your destination in less than 5 minutes, and it's impossible to get into a radio program in such a short time. I also have a mini crush on Dan Evans from Fox 13 AM news. He's so geeky and cheap and innocent --something about him makes me want to ruffle his feathers a bit...
3. I would like to say that I'm organized, but these days, keeping up with my girls (and being DEAD tired with this pregnancy) just doesn't leave much creative room, like right now, what should I do with the diapers scattered on my kitchen floor? Eh, let's see if they pick themselves up....
4. I LOVE make-up. Most folks know this about me. I don't wear it for anyone else, I just feel better about myself when I have it on. I've worn dark eye make-up since 6th grade, and it really hasn't changed much.
5. It's a weird talent, but I choose to see it as such; I believe that I have a gift of making things more beautiful when I work on them. ...This mostly goes for home-decor (Mach can vouch, she'll ask my advice from time to time) and hair/make-up. I have done many a wedding/ dance hair and make-up session, and it's just fun for me. I enjoying helping people feel beautiful, and also creating beautiful spaces around me. A long time ago, Kate (good friend and blog-follower) let me help her decorate her front room... There's SO much more we could do now! Candice Olsen is my FAV designer and inspriation, the woman is a GENIUS.
6. I am no cook. I think I've confessed this before, but maaaan, I can't put stuff together. I mean, I can make a casserole and a few specialty dishes, sure, and I know a lot of basics (Paula Deen is m'girl!), but I have no real creativity in the area. I can BAKE a mean batch of cookies, though!
7. I have some of the most incredible friends. Some are almost life-ers and go back to elementary school -back in good ole' Panguitch. I have others who I met in school in Logan, some at work, and others through my family and friends of friends. When I make the investment in a friend and determine that they're a part of my life -for whatever reason, they're a part of my life. I don't lose or let go of friends, and yet, have a healthy respect for the place (time and season) that each friendship lies in my life.
*I have found that as I grow older, I have less patience for those who I don't feel are real friends to me. Does that sound stuck-up? Maybe it's a mark of aging, where you stop trying to make anyone like you, stop trying to please people, and only focus on those who enrich your life and who's life you can enrich as well.
8. I have a VERY dry sense of humor -much like my dad. I've always said that I'm pretty much my mom, only I chose the opposite road at the same age she chose to get married.... But what we find funny is very different. I LOVE humor -for example: if you've ever seen "Yours Mine, and Ours" (the OLD version), when Lucy takes the drink that the kids make for her and makes the face... I NEARLY FALL OFF MY CHAIR EVERY TIME WITH HYSTERICS!
...Oh, and if you use them around me, you'll get an ear-full. :)
11. I stand 5'9" on a normal day with no amazon shoes on.
12. My natural hair color is some crappy-mousy brown, whom I never mean to come in close contact with again. I'll be silver first. God bless my cute little hair diva Lori.
13. My favorite color is pink, I LOVE jewelry, I spend around an hour or so getting ready everyday, and I love to shop. High maintence? Too girly? Nah, I can get sucked into a high-speed chase on TV any day.
13. I am the QUEEN of justification. If you made a decision and need reinforcement (i.e. warm fuzzies), talk to me! ...BAD to go shopping with.
*See? I can justify 2 #13's because there are SO many fun things to say!
14. I am OBSESSED with The Office -as that show is a part of me. It's my favorite part of the week. I also have a lil' crush on Michael Scott, who's "Bro's before Hoe's" speech from Season 3's "A Benihana Christmas" is the BEST written TV comedy EVER!
15. I have DEEP regrets about leaving Mia alone in the tub with a cup for a few minutes last night. …Well my floor feels a bit worse than I do…
16. In my heart, I have more debt than I’ll ever begin to be able to repay to each individual member of my family for their contribution to my life and character.
17. I have a deep respect for education. Every member of my family has a degree (except me). Education was always conveyed as an expectation, sluffing wasn’t tolerated, and doing well was simply a standard. I’m very grateful for this.
*Don’t worry, I have no real complex about knowing the least –from an educational standpoint. In my family, people still come to me for advice! Street smarts, baybee! I’ll tell you all about what NOT to do!
18. My children are my heart and my husband is my soul.
19. I’m still not too great at going under water without plugging my nose –but I’ll take anyone OUT (Lexie…) on an underwater handstand. –And mine are one-handed. Oh, don't be too overwhelmed with the talent, just plan on losing this competition.
20. Someday I’d love to visit Ireland and Italy.
21. Home-made mac-n-cheese and carrot cake are pretty much the staple every birthday meal I've ever had.
22. I have a small old collection of rocks. I have always loved rocks –and am still mezmorized when I pass a stand with rocks to choose from at a post in a national park…
23. I love pottery, old books, farmer’s markets, fresh flowers, and sunshine.
24. I feel better when I’m outside. I love to go camping –it’s such a GREAT get-away, with no agenda, no stress (once you’re there) and only good conversation with people you love.
25. My personality has changed an awful lot since I was younger. It’s a huge realization to watch my own attitude and approach to life change as I grow. I love deeper, I shower longer, I sleep better, I stress less, I question MUCH less, and most importantly, I appreciate being in my own skin. I like myself.