Monday, August 20, 2012


Blogger has changed everything!  I am just catching up on it all.  Needless to say, it's been a VERY busy summer.  The girls and I have been swimming so much, no one recognizes me with this tan...  I am back to pre-Christmas-munch-out jeans!  YAY!  Let's see if I can stay there...

Today Lance got the camera working again, so I will need to blog all about our crazy year.

We have been on a Disney Cruise.
I worked for about 4 months.

Life moves forward in Sortor land, and I plan on keeping all my good friends abreast of the happenings/ goings-on/ whimsies of she who is Rebecca Anne Nolan Sortor.  Take it or leave it.

:) pleeeze take it.  I am that fun to follow....