Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Rachael is my big sister. Yesterday was her birthday, so I thought I’d take a moment and write about her. Rachael is aka Mach: which is a standard progression of a nick-name from my house-hold. Hence, we have Mary-Chewy (I spelled that right) and Sawa-BO-nana. I have often been referred to as Tha-Becca, so I’m certainly not exempt. Rachael has been a bit of the mother-hen of our brood. Mom was busy having lots o’ kids, and I think she kind-of took on a bit of a mothering/ worrying role herself. We used to fight quite a bit as I was growing up. Girls’ camp was no picnic!! We had to make pacts to keep our fighting to closed doors! As we got older, I remember my FAVORITE activity was zooming around doing errands for Mom with Rachael driving the family Ford Tempo (Lil’ Blue). We’d listen to righteous tunes and feel the wind in our hair as we hit Albertson’s and perhaps Burger King (back when whoppers were $1.00 apiece). Rachael earned her degree in Finance, and went on to serve a mission in Ireland. I went my own way too. When she came back something had changed. We went from being sisters –to being friends. I eventually married and moved to SLC, and she was there too –being single and fabulous- working for an excellent company. She’d come over and hang out with me all the time, and we really developed a strong friendship bond that is as strong as ever today. She bought her own home after some time, and made it possible for me to get out of a BAD marital situation, and I moved in with her. Since then, I’ve remarried, and of course moved away from SLC. Rachael has had boarders in her home ever since… Bless her heart, she married a wonderful man from Samoa –whose culture is to take care of family, and it’s never been a problem for them to have lots of us in and out -gratefully! Dad still rents a room from them during the work weekJ. Rachael has changed a lot from her relationship with Seuao. She has become much more easy-going, and of course, had Lily –the feisty and adorable one! They’re expecting number two in September, and we are so thrilled for them. Rachael is crazy-talented with the piano & French horn. She’s quirky –and doesn’t seem to have a lot of design sense. We complement each other as friends! She loves deeply and is a very loyal friend. Rachael, you’re my hero –and I’ve said it before; I love you and thank God for you. Happy Birthday!