Tuesday, June 12, 2012


To explain what has happened over the last year is moot.  I have survived the worst (including a new worst day of my life), and have come out kicking and screaming as I fight for my family.

Turmoil sucks, but it's a character builder, eh?

Meantime, everyone got older...  Ella is 8 (still working on baptism deets), Mia is 4, Bri is 2, almost 3.  Lance is still at Schreiber, and I have started working at ye olde Convergys.  I put 7 years in, in a past life, so it's not too big of a deal to come back.  However, I am trying to navigate tech-support for Comcast business clients.  Tuff.

I need to blog again.  I need to keep a record for my family.  I may tell my tale eventually, but please follow me, pray for me, and help me keep my karma clear as I apologize for anyone whom I have hurt.  ....My family especially.

With love


Teri said...

Love you! We think about you often. And you and your family are ALWAYS in our prayers!!

something very bright said...

Welcome back!

Unknown said...

Love you. :) Always.