Wednesday, January 5, 2011



This has been such an incredibly busy season! The blog has been neglected. :( Here are some highlights!
Above is the delectable and coveted caramel corn that Rachael and I put together. Mmmmm.
She also made yumo cranberry salsa. I highly recommend this.
During the season Lance brought me some gorgeous Christmas roses. How blessed am I???
Here's Ella.
...And Mia...
Bri-bri too!
I had a crazy idea to throw a Santa-cookie decorating party for lil' ones. Above is Candace -my sister-in-law.
Here's my cute Melanie!
NOTE: there are lots of pix of this, but I uploaded everything for this entry, and don't want to mess with sticking them in the right spot!! (Someone tutor me on this so I can do things easier, eh???)
So you just get to see my friends and not kiddos with yummy sugar cookies! Sorry!
Christmas Eve was first spent at the Sortor's home. Here's Lance and Donny.
Chaedon and Donny.
I LOVE this picture! It's Mia and Grandma.
Here's a very excited Ella holding Sabrina!
Token self-shot. BAD lighting, fuzzy picture. Oh well!
Mia got a robot! She loves this toy!!
Santa Claus (Donny) came to see everyone that evening!
Sabrina got some fun toys.
Here's cute Chaedon with Santa! Love it!
Ella got some Leapster books with the pen to help her read.
On to the Nolan's home! Above is part of Mom's tree... It's the inspiration for my own. I have always loved her victorian tree. Sorry kids! Someday we'll have a 2nd tree with ugly ornaments, but this one is MINE.
Dad read the Christmas story from The Bible and we sung carols.
Mom and my sister Sarah.
Lexie, Dave (my brother), and Grandmother (Dad's mom who was flown out for the holiday).
Kids and craziness... That's Mia, Tessa, Rachael, and Lily-bug.
Finally home. Here's our tree before we went to bed.
My tree.
Christmas morning mayhem.
Back to my parent's home for more gifts!
Fabulous Sarah.
Here's my VERY tired Sabrina, who was taken home early for a nap.
My Granny-loo.
We wound up at the Sortor's home after this session for a wonderful Christmas dinner -THANK YOU DONNY AND DEBBIE!
It was such a busy and beautiful day. I had it rougher, however, with a fever and a UTI at the end of the day. :( We made it through a very long and boring (if you ask Ella) Christmas break, and now after a quick round of a stomach/puke bug for all 3 little girls, our lives are starting to fall back into the grove of normalcy.
If you made it through this post, I'm VERY impressed! Sorry about the drought. I will get better.
Hey, who wants to take a pottery class with me?


Lexy said...

I love pottery. I took classes all through highschool. I would but I don't know how well that would work out, me not living nearby and all. I actually was going to go over to my friends house who has her own kiln and everything. :) its very relaxing.

something very bright said...

YAY pottery! I would totally do it with you if we were in the same place! Also, that popcorn looked TASTY!

Mary said...

"WHAT is going on? Mr. Pottery class... nice to meet ya." --Nikki.
The popcorn was delicious, btw. Love you.

skipper said...

Looks like Christmas was loads of fun! Hope you're feeling better from the infection :( I'd love to do a pottery class with you if you're looking at somewhere not any farther than, say, 20 minutes from my house.

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of great family/friend holiday pics. I've been waiting for your Christmas entry! :) And as far as the order in which to upload, do it in reverse order. Start with the last picture you want on your blog and work toward the most recent. Then you're sure to have them in the *correct* order on your blog. Annoying, I know.