Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Temple Square!

Temple Square in Salt Lake City is one of the most magical and amazing things kiddos can go see at Christmastime. I have memories from being a child going there (remember me pulling out the bulb from the huge red tree and having the whole thing go out, siblings o' mine? heh heh). Taking my children there is building beautiful memories for them, but even more incredible memories for me as an adult watching them...

Mia refused to wear a coat, but got along just fine. :)
Cute Ella at the ponds... She has like 5 loose teeth!
Lance and Ella! You can't see it well enough in this picture, but the tree was absolutely amazing! Not a branch unlit...
Lance jumped in one of my "token self shots", so here WE are!
Lance and Ella, with a glimpse of the coat (not Sabrina -as she preferred to walk, grrrrr!) stroller.
Lance and Chaedon!
Sabrina whined on the way home until she got a bum change. Oooooo, bad parent moment. Sorry, babe! Look at all the forgiveness in her little face!!!
I DROVE! Lance gave me a lil' payback from the bazillion pix of him driving I tend to take. How lucky would you have to BE to have this face steering the wheel?!


Lexy said...

I'm glad you had fun! We're excited to go soon :)

something very bright said...

Yay Temple Square! I remember going there with you guys one year, and it was beautiful. I can't believe how different Sabrina looks since the reunion.

Ashlee said...

Oh! This makes me miss Utah! I haven't thought about Temple Square in a long time!

Mary said...

Me too! We still haven't gone yet this season.

skipper said...

We haven't gone yet, either. I'm glad you guys had a great time!

mommynolan said...

I am pretty sure it was Sabrina with Lance int he tree picture, but . . .you are the Mom. I am so glad you got to go and had such a good time!