Thursday, September 10, 2009


I don't want to neglect this blog. I owe it to my girls to chronicle their lives -and our life as a family. Sometimes, like tonight, I am barely keeping my eyes open --yet it's actually extremely important to put something down for the record on how we all are:

Ella - loving school. She seems unable to give me any kind of detail regarding her activities for the day, but that doesn't matter to her. She loves her time at school -and to be perfectly honest, I lover her time away at school too.

Mia- VERY miffed that I brought a baby home who takes some of the attention she's used to getting. She is very gentile with the baby, and for the most part, leaves her alone. It's me who takes the brunt of her frustration during this difficult time. She makes it very clear that I'm no longer the trusted resource I used to be. :( It's hard.

Brina is doing well -no longer nursing, but sucking up the formula like there's not gonna be any more coming any time soon... She's starting to spend more time with her eyes open -taking in her surroundings, as well as the faces of those who love her so dearly.

Personally, I'm so tired I could drop right here and now. "Sleeping when the baby sleeps" is a load of bull, and for any mom worth her salt, she knows this is the only opportunity to get something done!! Anywho, more to come when I sit down more coherently to write.


mommynolan said...

I remember the feeling of being way too tired all too well. But, then there is the next stage---your mind can't recall what tired was, it just doesn't think at all. I hope you never get there. It's kinda' like a pregnancy brain lapse that never ends-beware when yo start talking in "baby speak!"

Anonymous said...

I totally hear you. I felt like I was terribly sleep-deprived for the first several months. It's rough. And there's so much to get done around the house besides sleep. Somehow sleep gets pushed to the back-burner and we pay for it. And my Ella's the same way as far as the 'no details' on her day. It must be typical for the age...

Joni said...

I totally agree, the whole sleep when the baby sleeps theory is a fairy tale! Poor Mia, as a middle child myself, I can most certainly understand her being miffed. Yay, for Ella liking school! And as for you....You just give yourself a break and do what you need to do in order to get through each day. Don't put added pressure on yourself, it's an adjustment period and things will get back to normal, or at least a new normal. Until then, just go easy on you and know that you are doing a great job!!!

Mary said...

Chin up, madre o'tres. You'll make it, and Mia will decide (eventually) that she can deal with Sabrina. Who knows--maybe they'll even be best friends some day. ;o)

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

I totally relate to what you're going through with Mia! It happened with Ashlee when Jackson was born, and luckily it did eventually pass and we're buds again, but hang in there. Adjustments all around on zero sleep usually doesn't make for optimal conditions, but we all live to tell about it I guess.