Thursday, July 16, 2009


This, my friends, is the BEST PERFUME EVER!!! I smelled it again on Sawa-Butch last time I was hanging out with my sisters and the sadness overwhelmed me again...

See, I'm out.

I have been through 2 bottles of this little gem of a scent, and have loved every sexy-smelling minute of every day that I wore it. ...A spritz of fabulousness every day... My heart is broken. I've been out for at least a month, and though I can ROCK CK's Obsession (not many can, and I don't recommend you try without some honest noses around to verify) and still have some left, it's not working for me right now with my highly sensitive pregnant olfactory senses.

:( I need a visit from the perfume gods. Juicy Couture, will we ever meet again?


Mary said...

Rumor has it that you can find it @ Wally's. Hmmmmm.

Joni said...

Note to Lance: I can "smell" some BIG brownie points if this crisis is handled correctly on your part! Be a hero buddy!
Note to Becca: Clearly I need to take a trip to the nearest perfume counter and check the fabulous-ness out! I love your posts girl!

mommynolan said...

Knowing Lance, you won't have to wait too long. He really does try to take good care of you.

Lance said...

I do believe Allan heard my response a few weeks ago. YOUR BIRTHDAY IS IN OCTOBER!!!! Love you baby

Anonymous said...

That's too funny! I like that you (normally) 'rock' that fragrance. Hopefully you're back at it soon. P.S. Please don't go off your rocker..being pregnant and all...and think that substituting the new McD's fish sandwich scent is sexy!