I have no reason to be really grouchy.... unless you can actually sympathize with pregnancy. I don't know, man. Men don't get the hormone issues that rage within a body being taken over by another human being. I guess it's not as bad as I've seen grouchiness exist in nameless others, however, for me, I'm so tired of my own volitility! I was looking at our bank account balance a few minutes ago and let some words fly that shouldn't be audible by ears inside OR outside my body. Life moves forward and you take good with bad -I just wish that the bad didn't piss me off so much...
I think we can all relate!
Hey I was going to tell you that I saw Ella when we were in Logan last. My sister Leslie moved into the apts you live at and she was playing outside with some other kids. I said Hi but I'm sure she didn't know who I was.
You should let me teach you a relaxation exercise this weekend! It might really help. :)
I totally know how it is. It takes a lot for something to get to me but the last pregnancy there were plenty of things that rubbed me the wrong way. I finally feel normal. dont worry you'll be back to normal in no time.
Don't feel bad, I turn into a completely different person when I'm pregnant and IT'S NOT A GOOD CHANGE! We're talking Jekyll/Hyde here. In fact, after Kai was born, Brian put his foot down and said "no more babies". According to him, he was worried about my health, but secretly I suspect he was more worried about our marriage ;)
Ears inside or outside..Love it. I know what you mean about volatility...mine kind of doesn't go away though. Is that a bad thing?
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