Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine Prep.

Yesterday Ella and I decided we needed to get a move-on with the Valentine's Day party coming up in Preschool. We baked delightful cookies -Ella was a HUGE help with her little helping hands in EVERY aspect of the entire baking process. Oooooo the flour mess still makes me cringe a bit... My friend Erin came over to help, and she kept me sane with me little OCD brain going nuts! Check out the final product!
Oh yes, even though Valentine's Day is a pink holiday, we have DINOSAUR Valentines!

Such is life with my crazy little non-girly 4-year-old!


Rachael said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! Ella's valentines crack me up! Those aren't even cute dinosaurs - it really doesn't get more "boy" than that!

(Yummy looking cookies though!)

mommynolan said...

You have got to love it! that is my sweet Ella! Nanny loves you

Joni said...

LOVE the dinosaur valentines! I hope you didn't stick those delicious looking cookies in the freezer.....Not that you or I have EVER done anything like that.....

Mary said...

I love it. I think it's hilarious that Ella is not a girly-girl. Dinosaur valentines ROCK!

Ashlee said...

I am SO craving sugar cookies now. They are essential to a good Valentines Day I think. I'm lovin' the dinosaur valentines too!

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

Nice for the valentines, little Ella has style!

Teri said...

Love the dino valentines. Andraia had 'non-character' lollipop valentines this year. As long as they included candy, she didn't care what they were!