Tuesday, October 14, 2008


My mom has been my angel. Mom has stood by me during my darkest hours –and has been nothing but absolutely encouraging and supportive. She has helped me take care of my babies when I had too much on my plate; she has picked up the slack when I couldn’t afford things like formula or medicine. She has been my confidant and my rock. Someday I hope to be the kind of mom she is. She has shown me unconditional love in such a beautiful way, I can never express my gratitude. I love you mom.


Joni said...

What would we do without our moms?! I'm so glad that you have such a strong support system right now. I think you already have many of the traits that you stated that your mom has, your daughters are so very lucky to have you as their mom!

Ashlee said...

What would the world do without mommies?!? I am so glad you have her. Mom's are the best!

Mary said...

I'm so glad Mom is there for you right now; I'm sorry I'm not! I love you!

mommynolan said...

Thanks Beck. Even good Moms need to be appreciated. And you have been great at doing that. It makes it all that much easier to keep on giving. Love ya!