Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Okay, the other day I was sitting with my sis-in-law Candace and her neighbor (and my friend too) Aeriole... She told Candace to list off all the things she accomplished for the day -because she knows she likes to do the same thing! I secretly said in my brain "me too"! So here it is!

1- Re-write some thank-you's from Debbie to family from Grandma Kay's memorial.
2- Clean out and scrub the fridge (you don't want deets).
3- Mop every hard floor in the house (a project I'd rather scrub toilets and change poopy diapers over).

Huh. The list isn't too long -but I've been taking care of babies too! YAY me. Little mom victories.


Mary said...

Hey--don't sell yourself short. Those are all big projects, and to do them in one day, while taking care of sick kids is very impressive. Nice work.

something very bright said...

Ugh, I need to do my floors too. It really is a horrible chore.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man! Cleaning out the fridge is a huge job! Reminds me I need to do mine. And with kids it gets gross fast. That, and the 2 week-old container of leftover oatmeal that's still sitting in there. Ew. Good job, Momma!

matt&meg said...

I cant wait to have those! Did you know im preg? baby boy due on thanksgiving! Hell ya :) Hope things are good with you!

mommynolan said...

That is more than I got done---without babies. Good for you!

Joni said...

Look at you go girl! I love making To-Do lists and get great satisfaction out of checking the items off as I complete them. Looks like you got a lot done :)