Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sick kiddos!

Here's my little Mia- on the mend. She's doing much better now.

This spantatic picture was taken around 2 AM, when Ella had barfed in her bed, and we were up in the middle of the night waiting for laundry and playing Super Mario Brothers (Wii)!
Ella got the camera and snapped one of me and Bri. ...That's the game on the TV in the background.
Ella spent the day on the couch, just like Mia had the previous day. Poor kid!
Token self-portrait! :D You gotta love 'em!


Kate said...

Seriously... your hair and makeup still look gorgeous at 2 am when your daughter has been barfing! I am so jealous! Love you...

something very bright said...

You actually look like that at 2am?! Wowza!

Jessica said...

Oh yes we do love you Becca! The picture up top with you and Sabrina is gorgeous too. I'm sorry your kids are sick. I just took Jace to the doc a few days ago. He is teething and fevering and not happy. Glad they are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Super Mario Brothers at 2am?! Wow, what a mom!

Mary said...

Poor girls! I really hope that picture of you and Sabrina was taken during the daytime, because if you look like that when you wake up at 2am to take care of barfing children, I'll have to disown you.

Rachael said...

Seriously - amen to the above...

And even more seriously - if your kids get my kids sick this weekend, I'm shipping mine to your house, because apparantly you're very well equipped to handle the 2:00 a.m. drama.
