Monday, March 8, 2010


My sister Sarah recently went BLONDE. I'm kinda jealous. I don't think I could pull it off, but it's interesting to consider. Next time I visit Lori (my hair genius) I'm going with at least blonde highlights. What do you think?


Mary said...

I don't think you could pull off platinum like Butch, I'd like to go lighter/brighter too. Highlights are a good place to start!

Unknown said...

I do love my BLONDE! I'm lucky I have the complexion to do it -- but see, you have the complexion to pull off dark.. and I don't. I LOVED your hair last time I saw it!

Anonymous said...

I've wondered on occassion if it would be worth a try (for fun) to go blonde (very temporarily--unless I fell in love with it). But it seems so 'out there' for ME, and I'm a scaredy cat...oh, yeah, and don't want to worry about the constant upkeep, that I haven't done it yet. Be my guinea pig! Do it and we'll see what we think! :)

mommynolan said...

Hummmm some lighter highlights for summer would be good but almost platinum, I just can't see it. The upkeep would be wildly expensive. Don't you think? Besides you already have braces, you don't really want to back to those teen years totally do you? I will love you no matter the color of your hair!

Ashlee said...

Go for it! You never know what it will be like until you do it. Although... sometimes things like that are hard to take back. Last year I chopped ALL my hair off. Went from hair past the shoulders to pixie in one shot. I was happy I did it but MAN growing it out was a pain! Still... sometimes doing something that drastic is just FUN!

And I think I may have mentioned this before-but you are so pretty! Love the pictures.

Joni said...

Becca- You are hot no matter what color your hair is. You can pull anything off. If your nervous then maybe just start with weaving in lots of highlights so that you look more blonde but still have some of the darker in as well?

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

I think you could do it...You have light enough eyes that it wouldn't look fake on you like it would on me. I have always harbored a secret wish to go totally blond when I move to a new place where no one knows me...but then I decided my dark eyes and the high maintenance requirements would probably precipitate a very trashy look on me.