Sunday, February 14, 2010


Been in the hospital for the last little while. I'll post pictures later- my baby Sabrina has RSV. :( There are worse things, but watching her fight for her breath, watching her be stuck with a needle so many times I lost count (including multiple times in the head) with no success, watching her plead with those eyes not to be hurt again -knowing it was coming, yet, still smiling at the NICU nurses who were trying to help her...

I have a new little hero.


Lexy said...

Poor BABY. :( I hope Bee doesn't get it. I am sorry.

Teri said...

That is so rough. I hope she is doing better. Chloe was back in the hospital right after we brought her home after she was born. That was really hard. Wish I was there to hug you!

Rachael said...

I'm so sorry Beck - I wish I could have been more help...

Ashlee said...

Oh! Poor Baby! It is SO hard to watch little ones go through things like this. We'll keep her- and you- in our prayers!