Monday, January 11, 2010

The. Worst. Mom.

Ever have that day when you have officially decided your kids are gonna be completely messed up sitting on a therapy couch complaining about you and the huge mistakes you made with them?

....This is one of those days.

*I still love you, Ella. -Even though you're grounded, you don't get wii, friends, cartoons, OR a donut next time Daddy brings some home.


Mary said...

Oooooh. She must have been NAUGHTY.

Lexy said...

WHat happened???? I am so curious. Sorry.. You gotta do the tough love sometimes though. Makes strong adults.

mommynolan said...

Forgiveness is great! Some for you and some for Ella. As long as you both have learned why stretch out the pain? I love you both!

something very bright said...

Yikes, what happened?

Ashlee said...

I hate, hate, HATE that feeling! Hugs from Illinois!

Rachael said...

Wow! AND the donuts!?! She must have been in BIG trouble!

Anonymous said...

Please don't tell me this is the first time this has happened to you. Or I'm gonna feel worse! It comes with the territory. We do our best, but still can be weak and quick-tempered (I'm thinking of myself, really).

skipper said...

Don't feel too bad, my husband's children almost found themselves on the back porch for the night. And I'm only kidding a little bit.

Colette and The Chickenwings said...

Dude...I'm so with you, like everyday. I just cannot ever, EVER think my mother made any mistakes again because now I know how hard it is to be the mom when things go wrong and children misbehave. Someday when she has kids, she'll understand. Motherhood is the therapy couch where we finally understand all the imperfect things our moms we get it!