Monday, August 10, 2009


Grandmother is Dad's mom. She's not "grandma", nor "granny", but is specifically Grandmother, and always has been. She came to visit us about a week ago, and it's been so nice to see her.

This is a picture of Granny, Grandmother, and Ella. These lovely ladies are the two Great-Grandma's on my side for my girls. It's a blessing to have them both alive and able to see how awesome my kids are!
We love you Grandmother. Thanks for coming to visit us!


Mary said...

What a great post, and some beautiful pictures! Love it!

Joni said...

You are so blessed to have such fantastic women in your life! LOVE the pix of Ella with both of them, you will cherish that one forever! I miss my grandma's every single day, so take full advantage of having them around!

something very bright said...

It's so nice that your girls know their great-grandmothers--it's very unique. I'm sure Ella and Mia will value those pictures when they are older!

Unknown said...

I'm bummed she couldn't stay longer! Ugh. Bad timing with my moving weekend...

Loya said...

I love that last pic with the girls all snuggled up to her! :-) She looks so happy, just eating up the love of the great-grandbabies...