Monday, July 13, 2009


Well, she's all up in my ribs, and my posture is much better than it has been in the last 19 months. I went to see my wonderful doctor today. I have a total net weight gain of 2 lbs during this pregnancy (I'll take it!) and having measured exactly right on last time at 29 weeks, this time I measured 34 weeks. WHAT THE HECK??!
I swear I have felt her grow like a weed, so we're monitoring that situation. Last visit I had also had protein in my urine, but that's not the case now, so all is well. When I got to the doctor's office I had a sugar crash and got the shakes and sweats. So fun! I'm kinda getting how to control all of that, but at the same time, it's SO unpredictable. Lance thinks I'm insane (as is the definition, you know) because I keep going back to cereal; which probably 75% of the time makes me wish I were dead for about 20 minutes after eating it. ...I love my Cheerios, though! Somehow it keeps getting justified that maybe it's that rare quarter percentage this time that I can maintain some normalcy and just go about my day... : /
I am more mooooody and sensitive than I remember ever having been in my previous two pregnancies. I wonder if it's partially because of the standard between Lance and myself. I worked much harder back then to be much more of what I thought Lance wanted me to be (at a high mental price) but doing that kept a lot in check... Somehow things are different right now. I know that my comfort level with Lance is different and I can be slightly more indulgent in what-I-feel-right-now, but that's not a really good thing... Also, I think that because I am mostly sure that this is my LAST bambino, it's all much more powerful. Sorry hunny!
I have a lot of physical pain that women who have carried LOW can hopefully relate to... I was moving through Walmart in sloooooooooow-mooooooooo today and felt a bit grandma-esque. Hopefully the obvious bump in front of me is enough of a visual excuse to avoid any potential commentary or major judgment.
Life moves forward and the pregnancy gets ever further along. Soon my focus will change from my misery below my ribs and million and one trips to the bathroom every night to the joy that accompanies caring for the newest, sweetest and most pure pieces of Heaven possible. ...That's what makes all of this worth it.
I am so in love with my children, bless their hearts, I'll NEVER forget the misery that accompanied bringing them here, but I wouldn't change a thing. ...Can't wait to meet you, baby.


Mary said...

I can't wait to meet her too!

mommynolan said...

What misery?? Sorry I couldn't help myself. Yes I know you have suffered through pregnancy, labor and delivery. but I. . . you know the story. AHHH, natural child birth I love you.
Keep up the good work and TAKE CARE of that HUSBAND! LYSYB, Mom

Ashlee said...

Oh the joys of pregnancy. I love how honest you are about it! It makes me laugh. I've had fun catching up on your blog. I haven't had much of a chance to get on the computer where I am right now. The evolved Hannah M. thing was hillarious!

Unknown said...

Hang in there! I can't wait to meet little Sabrina!! :)

Lance said...

Cheerio's or sugar smacks. Love you hunny. I sure hope that little one is worth it!! She has a high bar set for her.

skipper said...

You know, my third pregnancy broke me. Literally. But he's so worth it; just like you said, they're all worth it.

Anonymous said...

So are you all about 'au natural' childbirth? Wow. I did it once (not intentionally) and... WOW. What else can be said?

something very bright said...

Is it possible to emphathize with you when I haven't been pregnant? If yes, then I definitly am! BTW, love the name Sabrina!