Friday, June 26, 2009

OCD Mini-Me!

The other day I went into the kitchen and noticed that all of the magnents had been mysteriously removed from the fridge...Around the corner I found my little busy-body OCD mini-me hard at work putting all of the magnents on the trash can...

Then she found a new spot for all of them...
Mia is becoming methodical in how she'll stack things and put them in to piles. It's precious. ...Is that a good word for it? :)
Here's the new pile.
I'm sorry, but how ADORABLE is that?! It's a great sign that no maternity test is needed. THIS kiddo is definitely her mother's daughter! (heh heh heh)


Joni said...

Definitely your daughter, she is as beautiful as you are and it never hurts to have a little helper cleaner around the house! :)

mommynolan said...

We never had any doubt regarding her "female parental unit" I think this sorting-moving thing is a sign of great intelligence! we love our Missy Mia aka Milly kisses!

something very bright said...

Adorable! I love how she keeps moving them around. Tomorrow they'll be in a new place!

Rachael said...

Ha ha ha!!! I LOVE it!!!

skipper said...

Very cute! You may want to keep your earrings under lock and key, however......

~Jake, Brianna, Jocelyn, and Carter~ said...

So cute! I fear my kid will get all my crazy tendencies, but organization is definitely a positive one. I miss Mia! She's so stinkin' cute!