Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pregnancy Head Case

Ok, so when you’re pregnant, there is NO filter, and every wretched emotion is amplified and raw and instant. So, here’s a PRIME example why any of my male readers should be grateful they’re not married to me, and any of my female readers should either relate, or be SUPER SCARED of pregnancy.
Disclaimer: I KNOW it’s not just me, girls. If you have experienced pregnancy with none of this emotional bulls&^%, then congratulmafrekin’lations –we might not be friends anymore.

…See my point? :)

The following example is a set of emails between myself and a co-worker who calls herself an “Office Manager”. Her name has been withheld. We’ll call her “Nelly”.

Email 1: Titled $0.40 lost :(

Hi Nelly-
While trying to snaggle a dingdong this morning, the crummy machine got stuck. Do you do reimbursements?

Email 2: Titled: ...and...

Oh, and the expiration on the one that did fall through (I tried a 2nd one) is FEB 21!!! We have bad food in there!

*Okaaaaaaaay, maybe they sounded a bit edgy. Hey, I had a full dingdong sitting in my trash (tasted DISGUSTING: they have a lot of give on the expiration date, and this was PAST) reminding me of my $0.40 loss. I didn’t, however, expect the vehement reaction:

Email 3: From Nelly


Well, I had a ding dong yesterday and I’m not dead yet (lol) and that crummy machine cost around $3000. Would you like your money back for both or just one (assuming you ate one)?
Please let me know and I would be glad to accommodate you.

Now let's just stop here for a moment while I collect myself enough to tell the story. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I seriously had FLAMES on the side of my FACE!!! I was HOT. I was SEEING RED.

I wrote:

Wow, didn’t expect you to take that so personally! Didn’t eat either dingdong, but since I’m sensing some inconvenience on your end, perhaps you should keep the change to help pay for such an expensive machine. :)

NO, the last email wasn’t sent; rather, I sent my response to my boss. I had my boss talk me off the ledge. This poor “Office Manager” would really hate me right now, and I would have created a “hostile working environment”, which is probably best avoided.

Pregnancy. NO bueno. …Please don’t piss me off.


Anonymous said...

Well, at least you had your wits about you enough so that you didn't send it to her!

Mary said...

Wow. Remember to look at the big picture. They're Ding Dongs, which are always disappointing, anyway. I know, it's important to you, and way to keep your head about you on the last one. :o)

mommynolan said...

Try to hang on, this too will pass, soon I hope! Thanks for lunch yesterday, such a nice treat.

Joni said...

Oh my! It's probably a good thing that you didn't hit the send button on that reply, but hopefully it helped to blog about it! I think it's hilarious that you clearly offended her by calling the machine crummy!!!

skipper said...

I can SO relate! By the end of my third pregnancy I had no friends left. Seriously. It's taken me almost four years to repair the damage! I think the only thing that saved me is the fact that I didn't have any co-workers to offend. BTW, I think your emails were perfectly reasonable and Nelly is the one who overreacted.