Thursday, November 20, 2008

Last Weekend (better late than never)

Well last weekend we headed to SLC. We stopped by Tai Pan and got some fun new things for the house -we're SO excited! Mia started the day posing in her CUTE new outfit that Nanny made for her. Fun, huh?
OH, there she is again!Not so quite decked out anymore: when we hit SLC, we hit a major baby "blow-out" and Mia wound up posing in one of Lily's ensembles. Note the two bottom toofums. Too cute!Lily had a great time playing with Ella and the other kids as we all met at Rachael's for a potluck! Though this picture doesn't quite capture the enthusiasm, believe me, excitement was in the air! Ella kept busy playing with toys and babies. She had too much fun to pay attention to mommy taking your picture!

Baby Noah is now a little runner! He's such a little sweetie!
Here's Lance with Mia-babes.
We did get to spend a bit more time with baby Tessa -she's smiling now!
Finally here's baby Benny! He's such a little love, I can't believe how stinkin' cute he is. Mary, "HIS EYES ARE SOOO BLUE"!!! -quote from Stu, Logan High.


Rachael said...

Cute! I'm glad you got some pics - I even had my camera out, but didn't take any... :(

It was fun to have you guys down!

mommynolan said...

I am so glad you go to the trouble to get together. It looks like you all had fun.